Fields Description Munic OS v3.4.29 and 3.5

The purpose of this document is to provide a complete set of all the possible fields available for customer on MunicIO in standard and advanced configuration.
Please note that some fields may not be available with your configurations, your type of device, your vehicle or your dataplan.

Name Field Field Type Size Description
GPRMC_VALID 3 string 1 Stores the last validity state of the latest GPS GPRMC frame. 'A' is valid and 'V' is invalid.
GPS_SPEED 8 integer 3 Stores the last valid speed of the GPS in 1/1000th knots.
GPS_DIR 9 integer 3 Stores the last valid course of the GPS in 1/100th degrees.
GPS_ALTITUDE 10 integer 3 Stores the current altitude, in meters. Is set to -999 when GPS is not fixed.
DIO_IGNITION 14 boolean 1 Stores the state of the ignition input.
BATT 15 integer 1 Stores 0 if the internal battery is in use or 1 if not.
GPRS_HEADER 16 integer 1 Stores 0 (2 with roaming) if GPRS is not registered or 1 (3 with roaming) if registered. This value is used in the GPRS state tracking field.
RSSI 17 integer 1 Stores the modem RSSI. Range is 0-32, the more the better. A special value of 99 indicates the value is not known yet. More details here
MDI_EXT_BATT_PRESENT 18 integer 4 Set to 0 if the device is 'really' unplugged from the car. Set to 1 if the external voltage is present. This may differ under some circumstances from MDI_BATT (the device may be connected AND the battery used).
ODO_PARTIAL_KM 23 string 4 Stores value in kilometers of the GPS's partial odometer.
ODO_FULL 24 integer 4 Stores value in kilometers of the GPS's full odometer.
DIO_ALARM 26 boolean 1 Stores the state of the alarm input.
DRIVER_ID 27 string 16 Stores the first IButton ID.
DIO_IN_TOR 38 string 1 Stores the state of all inputs in a hexstring, each bit represents one input.
GPS_HDOP 39 integer 1 Horizontal dilution of the precision of the GPS.
GPS_PDOP 40 integer 1 Positional dilution of the precision of the GPS. More details here
GPS_VDOP 41 integer 1 Vertical dilution of the precision of the GPS.
BATT_TEMP 42 integer 4 Battery temperature (milli °C).
CASE_TEMP 43 integer 4 Case temperature (milli °C).
MODEM_NETWORK_OPERATOR 44 string 6 Name of the current network operator.
GPS_AVERAGE_PDOP_STATUS 46 integer 4 Contains the current PDOP status: 0 if instable, 1 if the pdop is less than the configured value for the configured number of seconds, 2 if the pdop is more than the configured value for the configured number of seconds.
MDI_LAST_VALID_GPS_LATITUDE 47 integer 4 The last valid gps latitude known. Needs to be divided by 106 to be in decimal degree format.
MDI_LAST_VALID_GPS_LONGITUDE 48 integer 4 The last valid gps longitude known. Needs to be divided by 106 to be in decimal degree format.
AREA_LIST 53 string 32 Stores the list of crossed areas. Format is (FileId:AreaId;)*.
GPS_FIXED_SAT_NUM 55 integer 1 Number of satellites used for the GPS fix.
MVT_STATE 56 boolean 1 Filled by the gpsMvtDetector component. Returns true when the device is moving according to the GPS or the accelerometer.
BOOT_REASON 57 string 6 Stores the last boot reason.
SHUTDOWN_TYPE_AND_REASON 58 string 6 Stores both the value of the shutdown field_type and the value of the shutdown reason when the function shutdownRequest is called. Values are separated by a '-'.
BATT_VOLT 59 integer 2 Internal battery voltage in milli-Volt.
TX_KBYTES 60 integer 4 Stores the total current number of kilobytes of data transmitted.
RX_KBYTES 61 integer 4 Stores the total current number of kilobytes of data received.
BATT_WARMUP 62 integer 1 Used when a resistor is wired to an output in order to keep the battery temperature above 0°C while it is charging.
BATT_CHARGING 63 boolean 1 Stores 1 if the internal battery is charging or 0 if not.
DIO_OUT_TOR 68 string 1 Stores the state of all outputs in a hexstring, each bit represents one output.
MODEM_SIM_ICCID 70 string 20 ICCID number of the SIM card (if present).
MODEM_SIM_IMSI 71 string 15 IMSI number of the SIM card (if present).
SERIAL_PPP_STATE 72 integer 1 State of the serial PPP instances (0=not connected, 1=waiting for connection, 2=connected).
BOARD_ID 99 string 32 Stores the serial number of the board (device).
EVENT 127 string 255 Stores both the value of the shutdown field_type and the value of the shutdown reason when the function shutdownRequest is called. It starts with 'S:' and values are separated by a '-'.
MDI_EXT_BATT_LOW 150 boolean 1 Low external battery voltage status.
MDI_EXT_BATT_VOLTAGE 151 integer 4 Current external battery voltage in milli-Volt.
ODO_PARTIAL_METER 167 integer 4 Stores value in meters of the GPS partial odometer.
ODO_FULL_METER 168 integer 4 Stores value in meters of the GPS full odometer.
MDI_ZONE_COUNTRY 177 string 3 Current country code as defined by ISO 3166-1.
MDI_ZONE_STATE 178 string 16 Current state code as defined by ISO 3166-2.
MDI_VEHICLE_STATE_MVT 179 boolean 1 Stores vehicle movement according to various sources (OBD, GPS, accelero, ...). true when vehicle is in movement.
MDI_GPS_ANTENNA 193 boolean 1 Stores the presence of the GPS antenna. 0 is absent, 1 is present.
MDI_DIO_AIN1 194 integer 4 stores the level of analog input 1 in milli-Volt
MDI_FUEL_TYPE 210 integer 1 Fuel type aggregated from different sources. Values can be: 1: gasoline 4: diesel
MDI_TIMEZONE 1000 string 3 The current time zone detected.
MDI_NIGHT_AND_DAY 1001 boolean 1 True if night is detected based on the timezone.
MDI_STAT_GLOBAL_TRIP_DISTANCE 5020 integer 4 The global trip distance in meters
MDI_STAT_GLOBAL_TRIP_FUEL_CONSUMED 5021 integer 4 The global trip fuel consumed in milli liters
MDI_SERIAL_NUMBER 1262 string 64 Device serial number
MDI_SOFTWARE_VERSION 1263 string 128 Software version
MDI_UNPLUG_DURATION 1195 integer 32 Device estimated unplug duration in seconds
MDI_UNPLUG_TIMESTAMP 1196 integer 32 Device estimated unplug timestamp in seconds since epoch
MDI_UNPLUG_SPORADIC 1274 boolean 1 Boolean indicating sporadic unplugs in dongle
MDI_REPLUG_TIMESTAMP 1275 integer 32 Device estimated replug timestamp in seconds since epoch
MDI_UNPLUG_COUNT 1276 integer 32 Number of unplugs in current notification
Name Field Field Type Size Description
OBD_CONNECTED_PROTOCOL 45 integer 4 Contains the unique identifier for the first OBD protocol the device used to connect itself with.
OBD_FUEL_LEVEL_RATIO 51 integer 1 Fuel level in percentile.
MDI_OBD_FUEL_LEVEL 73 integer 2 Fuel level in 1/10th of Liters.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_LOAD 74 integer 1 Engine Percent Load At Current Speed.
MDI_OBD_FUEL_PRESSURE 75 integer 2 Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure in psi.
MDI_OBD_THROTTLE_POSITION 76 integer 1 Engine Throttle Position percentage.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_OIL_TEMP 77 integer 2 Engine oil temperature in Celsius degrees.
MDI_OBD_TRANSMISSION_OIL_TEMP 78 integer 2 Transmission Oil Temperature in Celsius degrees.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_OIL_PRESSURE 79 integer 2 Engine Oil Pressure in psi.
MDI_OBD_CRUISE_CONTROL 80 boolean 1 Cruise control state.
MDI_OBD_STATE_WATER_IN_FUEL 81 boolean 1 Water In Fuel Indicator.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_COOLANT_LEVEL 82 integer 1 Engine Coolant Level percentage.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_COOLANT_TEMP 83 integer 2 Engine Coolant Temperature in Celsius degrees.
MDI_OBD_ENGINE_COOLANT_PRESSURE 84 integer 2 Engine coolant pressure in psi.
MDI_OBD_FUEL_DELIVERY_PRESSURE 85 integer 2 Engine Fuel Delivery Pressure in psi.
MDI_OBD_PARKING_BRAKE_SWITCH 86 boolean 1 Parking Brake Switch.
MDI_OBD_BRAKE_APPLICATION_PRESSURE 123 integer 2 Brake Application Pressure in psi.
MDI_OBD_BRAKE_PEDAL_STATUS 124 boolean 1 Pedal brake status.
MDI_OBD_STACK_NAME 125 string 255 Current stack name.
MDI_OBD_BRAKE_PEDAL_POSITION 128 integer 4 Brake pedal position in percentage (0 means no braking).
MDI_OBD_VIN_ALT 148 string 17 Alternative VIN when two or more valid VINs are sent by the device. For Ekko system, if the VIN is provided during the onboarding process, the read VIN is stored into the field MDI_OBD_VIN_ALT and the provided VIN into MDI_OBD_VIN
MDI_OBD_FUEL_TYPE 209 integer 1 Fuel type as defined by the OBD standard (PID 0151).
MDI_OBD_MONITOR_STATUS 211 integer 4 OBD monitor status since DTC cleared (PID 0101), as an integer.
MDI_OBD_VIN_HASH 213 string 32 Hash string that is unique per VIN.
MDI_OBD_PID_1 215 string 255 Result of the 1st OBD request encoded in base 64
MDI_OBD_PID_2 216 string 255 Result of the 2nd OBD request encoded in base 64
MDI_OBD_PID_3 217 string 255 Result of the 3rd OBD request encoded in base 64
MDI_OBD_PID_4 218 string 255 Result of the 4th OBD request encoded in base 64
MDI_OBD_PID_5 219 string 255 Result of the 5th OBD request encoded in base 64
MDI_OBD_SQUISH_VIN 229 string 17 Anonymized VIN obtained from the VIN of the vehicle.
MDI_OBD_MILEAGE_METERS 232 integer 4 Mileage in meters obtained from the OBD stack.
MDI_OBD_SPEED 235 integer 4 Speed value obtained from the OBD stack in Km/h.
MDI_OBD_RPM 236 integer 4 Engine RPM obtained from the OBD stack.
MDI_OBD_FUEL 237 integer 4 Total cumulated quantity (in mL) of fuel consumed since last reset . Estimated with OBD2 or eOBD instantaneous data
MDI_OBD_VIN 238 string 17 VIN obtained from the OBD stack.
MDI_OBD_MILEAGE 239 integer 4 Mileage in kilometers obtained from the OBD stack.
MDI_OBD_HEV_ENGINE_MODE 1203 integer 1 Current Hybrid-Electric Vehicle engine mode. 0: off ; 1: combustion mode ; 2: electric mode.
MDI_OBD_HEV_ENGINE_COMBUSTION_MODE_TIME 1204 integer 4 Time in seconds the HEV engine spent in combustion mode during the trip.
MDI_OBD_HEV_ENGINE_ELECTRIC_MODE_TIME 1205 integer 4 Time in seconds the HEV engine spent in electric mode during the trip.
MDI_OBD_HEV_CHARGING_STATE 1206 integer 1 Charging state of the HEV engine. 0: Charge Sustaining Mode. 1: Charge Depleting Mode. 2: Charge Increasing Mode. 3: Not PSA.
MDI_OBD_HEV_BATTERY_VOLTAGE 1207 integer 4 "Voltage of the HEV battery, in mV."
MDI_OBD_HEV_BATTERY_CURRENT 1208 integer 4 "Current for the HEV battery, in mA. A negative current value indicates a battery charge while a positive current value indicates a battery discharge."
MDI_OBD_HEV_BATTERY_STATE_OF_CHARGE 1209 integer 4 Percent remaining level of charge of the HEV battery.
MDI_OBD_HEV_STATE_SUPPORTED 1277 string 16 "Bitmask of supported HEV system data.1 = Hybrid/EV Vehicle State supported 2 = Hybrid/EV Battery Voltage supported 4 = Hybrid/EV Battery Current supported 8 = Enhanced Hybrid/EV Vehicle State supported"
MDI_OBD_CO2_EMISSIONS 1193 integer 4 Accumulated CO2 emissions computed from OBD, in grams.
OBD_SUPPORTED_PIDS_00 1178 integer 8 Supported PIDs from 01 to 20, in hexadecimal format.
MDI_OBD_DISTANCE_SINCE_DTC_CLEARED 1188 integer 4 Distance since diagnostic trouble codes cleared, in km. Will remain constant when the maximum defined by the protocol is reached (65,535 for OBD).
MDI_OBD_TIME_SINCE_DTC_CLEARED 1191 integer 4 Engine runtime since diagnostic trouble codes were cleared, in minutes. Will remain constant when the maximum defined by the protocol is reached (65,535 for OBD).
MDI_EXT_VOLT_SNAPSHOT 1175 string 128 Stores the linear regression of the external voltage readings over a sliding window of time (5s by default).
MDI_OBD_AMBIENT_AIR_TEMPERATURE 1028 integer 4 Ambient air temperature, in degrees Celsius.
MDI_OBD_BAROMETRIC_PRESSURE 1187 integer 4 Barometric Pressure, in kPa.
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_DASHBOARD_MILEAGE_METERS 149 integer 4 Mileage value in meters from the dashboard.
MDI_DASHBOARD_MILEAGE 223 integer 4 Mileage value in kilometers from the dashboard.
MDI_DASHBOARD_ODO 1259 integer 4 Mileage in km, read from the vehicle dashboard.
MDI_DASHBOARD_FUEL 224 integer 4 Fuel level in liters obtained from the dashboard.
MDI_DASHBOARD_FUEL_LEVEL 225 integer 4 Fuel level in percent obtained from the dashboard.
ENH_DASHBOARD_MILEAGE 10223 string 4 DEPRECATED! USE CORRESPONDING MDI_CC Value of odometer retrieved from the dashboard, in kilometers.
ENH_DASHBOARD_FUEL 10224 string 4 DEPRECATED! USE CORRESPONDING MDI_CC Value of fuel retrieved from the dashboard, in liters.
ENH_DASHBOARD_FUEL_LEVEL 10225 string 4 DEPRECATED! USE CORRESPONDING MDI_CC Fuel level in percent retrieved from the dashboard.
MDI_CC_DASHBOARD_FUEL_LEVEL_LITERS 10340 double 8 Dashboard fuel tank level in liters.
MDI_CC_DASHBOARD_FUEL_LEVEL_PERCENT 10341 double 8 Dashboard fuel tank in percent.
MDI_CC_DASHBOARD_MILEAGE 10342 double 8 Dashboard mileage in km.
MDI_OBD_FUEL_LEVEL 73 integer 2 Fuel level in 1/10th of Liters.
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_RECENT_FUEL_CONSUMED 1421 string 4 Total Recent fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system (milliliters). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_RECENT_ODOMETER 1422 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled (kilometers). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_TOTAL_FUEL_CONSUMED 1423 string 4 Total Lifetime fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system (milliliters).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_TOTAL_ODOMETER 1424 string 4 Total Lifetime distance traveled in (kilometers).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_FUEL_CONSUMED_CDO 1425 string 4 Total Recent fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system in charge-depleting mode (milliliters). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_FUEL_CONSUMED_CIO 1426 string 4 Total Recent fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system in driver-selectable charge increasing mode (milliliters). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_ODOMETER_CDO_ENG_OFF 1427 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in charge-depleting mode with combustion engine off (kilometers). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_ODOMETER_CDO_ENG_ON 1428 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in charge-depleting mode with combustion engine on (kilometers). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_ODOMETER_CIO 1429 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in driver-selectable charge increasing mode (kilometers). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_RECENT_GRID_ENERGY 1430 string 4 Total grid energy (Recent) supplied to the battery pack (kilowatt hours). Recent means data is reset when total propulsion system is active for 50 hours (cumulative) or via a clear fault code (diagtool).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_FUEL_CONSUMED_CDO 1431 string 4 Total Lifetime fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system in charge-depleting mode (milliliters).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_FUEL_CONSUMED_CIO 1432 string 4 Total Lifetime fuel consumed by engine and aftertreatment system in driver-selectable charge increasing mode (milliliters).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_ODOMETER_CDO_ENG_OFF 1433 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in charge-depleting mode with combustion engine off (kilometers).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_ODOMETER_CDO_ENG_ON 1434 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in charge-depleting mode with combustion engine on (kilometers).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_ODOMETER_CIO 1435 string 4 Total Recent distance traveled in driver-selectable charge increasing mode (kilometers).
MDI_OBD_OBFCM_HEV_TOTAL_GRID_ENERGY 1436 string 4 Total grid energy (Recent) supplied to the battery pack (kilowatt hours).
Name Field Field Type Size Description
BEHAVE_ID 100 integer 4 Id of the event.
BEHAVE_LONG 101 integer 8 Longitude in hundred thousandths of a degree. Positive means East.
BEHAVE_LAT 102 integer 8 Latitude in hundred thousandths of a degree. Positive means North.
BEHAVE_DAY_OF_YEAR 103 integer 8 Date when the event occured. For example 25/10/2012 is transcribed as 121025.
BEHAVE_TIME_OF_DAY 104 integer 8 Time when the event occured. For example 14h35 12s is transcribed as 143512.
BEHAVE_GPS_SPEED_BEGIN 105 integer 8 Speed over ground in milli Knots.
BEHAVE_GPS_SPEED_PEAK 106 integer 8 Speed over ground in milli Knots.
BEHAVE_GPS_SPEED_END 107 integer 8 Speed over ground in milli Knots.
BEHAVE_GPS_HEADING_BEGIN 108 integer 8 Course in thousandths of a degree.
BEHAVE_GPS_HEADING_PEAK 109 integer 8 Course in thousandths of a degree.
BEHAVE_GPS_HEADING_END 110 integer 8 Course in thousandths of a degree.
BEHAVE_ACC_X_BEGIN 111 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_X_PEAK 112 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_X_END 113 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Y_BEGIN 114 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Y_PEAK 115 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Y_END 116 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Z_BEGIN 117 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Z_PEAK 118 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ACC_Z_END 119 integer 8 Acceleration in mG.
BEHAVE_ELAPSED 120 integer 8 Pattern duration in ms.
BEHAVE_UNIQUE_ID 121 integer 4 Cyclic counter for easy debug of events.


Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_DTC_MIL 154 boolean 1 Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL).
MDI_DTC_NUMBER 155 integer 4 Number of DTC.
MDI_CC_DTC_LIST 5023 string 65536 DTC list sent by the DTC Transcoder agent.
MDI_CC_DIAG_DTC_LIST 10235 string 65536
MDI_CC_DTC_CLEARED 10236 string 65536 Indicates the timestamp on when the DTC was cleared
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_CRASH_DETECTED 122 string 8 Reports vehicle crash/accident when detected, this field is set to "crash_id";"severity".
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_JOURNEY_ID 214 integer 4 Number incremented every time a journey starts (MDI_JOURNEY_STATE is set to 1).
MDI_IDLE_STATE 233 boolean 1 True if car is idling, false otherwise.
MDI_VEHICLE_STATE 234 string 3 Vehicle state : Journey On (0), Journey Off (1), Idling(2), Tow away (3) Pattern: "from:to".
MDI_JOURNEY_TIME 240 integer 4 Latest journey time in seconds = Driving time + Idling time.
MDI_IDLE_JOURNEY 241 integer 4 Idling time of the latest journey in seconds.
MDI_DRIVING_JOURNEY 242 integer 4 Driving time of the latest journey in seconds.
MDI_TOW_AWAY 245 boolean 1 Tow away state.
MDI_ODO_JOURNEY 246 integer 4 Total distance driving in the latest journey in kilometers. At the end of the trip the EVENT field may contain these information: odo_gps means odometer computed from GPS; odo_obd_speed means odometer computed from OBD standard PID's; odo_dashboard means odometer computed from true dashboard odometer. In priority you have: obd_dashboard (synced MDI_DASHBOARD_MILEAGE); obd speed (synced MDI_OBD_MILEAGE_METERS); gps (synced MDI_ODO_FULL_METER). MDI_ODO_JOURNEY is computed with one of these 3 information
MDI_OVERSPEED 247 boolean 1 Overspeed state.
MDI_MAX_SPEED_JOURNEY 248 integer 4 Maximum speed of the latest journey in km/h.
MDI_JOURNEY_STATE 249 boolean 1 Journey status. If it is false that means end of trip.
TRIP_DETECTOR_STATUS 1177 String 60 A text describing the current engine power, ignition, motion, trip and vehicle status.
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_SPEED_BAND_1 138 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a speed in the band with id 1. The value of min and max speed of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minSpeed=0km/h, maxSpeed=49km/h.
MDI_SPEED_BAND_2 139 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a speed in the band with id 2. The value of min and max speed of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minSpeed=50km/h.
MDI_SPEED_BAND_3 140 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a speed in the band with id 3. The value of min and max speed of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minSpeed=90km/h.
MDI_SPEED_BAND_4 141 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a speed in the band with id 4. The value of min and max speed of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minSpeed=140km/h.
MDI_SPEED_BAND_5 142 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a speed in the band with id 5. The value of min and max speed of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is to not use this field.
MDI_TOTAL_TIME_SPEED_BAND_1 1365 integer 4 Accumulated MDI_SPEED_BAND_1 through journeys.
MDI_TOTAL_TIME_SPEED_BAND_2 1366 integer 4 Accumulated MDI_SPEED_BAND_2 through journeys.
MDI_TOTAL_TIME_SPEED_BAND_3 1367 integer 4 Accumulated MDI_SPEED_BAND_3 through journeys.
MDI_TOTAL_TIME_SPEED_BAND_4 1368 integer 4 Accumulated MDI_SPEED_BAND_4 through journeys.
MDI_TOTAL_TIME_SPEED_BAND_5 1369 integer 4 Accumulated MDI_SPEED_BAND_5 through journeys.
MDI_MAX_SPEED_IN_LAST_OVERSPEED 243 integer 4 Max speed measured during last overspeed session (km/h).
MDI_OVERSPEED_COUNTER 244 integer 4 Number of overspeed during the latest journey.
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_RPM_BAND_1 143 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a RPM in the band with id 1. The value of min and max RPM of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minRPM=0, maxRPM=999.
MDI_RPM_BAND_2 144 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a RPM in the band with id 2. The value of min and max RPM of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minRPM=1000, maxRPM=1499.
MDI_RPM_BAND_3 145 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a RPM in the band with id 3. The value of min and max RPM of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minRPM=1500, maxRPM=2499.
MDI_RPM_BAND_4 146 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a RPM in the band with id 4. The value of min and max RPM of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is minRPM=2500, maxRPM=9999.
MDI_RPM_BAND_5 147 integer 4 Time in seconds spent with a RPM in the band with id 5. The value of min and max RPM of the band depends on the device configuration. Default configuration is to not use this field.
MDI_RPM_MAX 157 integer 5 The RPM max value during a journey.
MDI_RPM_MIN 158 integer 5 The RPM minimum during a journey.
MDI_RPM_AVERAGE 159 integer 5 The RPM average during a journey.
MDI_RPM_OVER 160 boolean 1 True if RPM value has gone over a threshold value, false otherwise.
MDI_RPM_AVERAGE_RANGE_1 161 integer 4 RPM average for first range.
MDI_RPM_AVERAGE_RANGE_2 162 integer 4 RPM average for second range.
MDI_RPM_AVERAGE_RANGE_3 163 integer 4 RPM average for third range.
MDI_RPM_AVERAGE_RANGE_4 164 integer 4 RPM average for fourth range.
MDI_MAX_RPM_IN_LAST_OVER_RPM 231 integer 4 Max RPM in last over-RPM session.
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_SENSORS_RECORDER_DATA 165 string 32 Data returned by the sensor recorder.
MDI_SENSORS_RECORDER_CALIBRATION 166 string 32 Sensor recorder calibration.
MDI_CC_SENSORS_RECORDER_DATA 5051 string 32 Accelerometer data recorded by the Accelerometer recorder (not calibrated yet).
MDI_CC_SENSORS_RECORDER_CALIBRATION 5052 string 32 Calibration matrix for the Accelerometer recorder
MDI_DIO_PANIC_BUTTON 1725 boolean 1 Panic button state, true when the panic button was pressed.
Name Field Field Type Size Description
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_1 251 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_2 252 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_3 253 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_4 254 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_5 255 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_6 256 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_7 257 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_8 258 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_9 259 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_10 260 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_11 261 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_12 262 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_13 263 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_14 264 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_15 265 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_16 266 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_17 267 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_18 268 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_19 269 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_20 270 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_21 271 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_22 272 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_23 273 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_24 274 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_25 275 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_26 276 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_27 277 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_28 278 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_29 279 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_30 280 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_31 281 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_32 282 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_33 283 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_34 284 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_35 285 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_36 286 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_37 287 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_38 288 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_39 289 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_40 290 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_41 291 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_42 292 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_43 293 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_44 294 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_45 295 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_46 296 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_47 297 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_48 298 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_49 299 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
MDI_CUSTOM_PID_50 300 string 128 Generic field that can be used to send custom data
Name Field Field Type Size Description
FMS_FUEL_LEVEL_1 50 integer 1 Fuel level of the first tank.
FMS_FUEL_LEVEL_2 50 integer 1 Fuel level of the second tank.
FMS_BRAKE_SWITCH 180 boolean 1 Brake switch state read from FMS data. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_CLUTCH_SWITCH 181 boolean 1 Clutch state from FMS data. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_CRUISE_CONTROL_STATE 182 boolean 1 Cruise control state from FMS data. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_DRIVER_IDS 183 string 200 Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_FUEL_RATE 184 string 128 FMS fuel rate. Float as a String. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_INSTANT_FUEL_ECONOMY 185 string 128 FMS instant fuel economy. Float as a string. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_PTO_STATE 186 integer 4 Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_SERVICE_DISTANCE 187 integer 4 Replace FMS_NEXT_SERVICE in FMS reader 5.2.
FMS_TACH_OVERSPEED 188 boolean 1 Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_TIRE_LOCATION 189 integer 4 Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_VEHICLE_DISTANCE 190 integer 4 High Resolution Vehicle Distance. Replaces FMS_TOTAL_DISTANCE in FMS reader 5.2.
FMS_WHEEL_SPEED 191 integer 4 Wheel based speed in km/h. Requires FMS Reader 5.2.
FMS_TOTAL_AXLE_WEIGHT 192 integer 4 Requires FMS Reader 5.2.